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Old 10th September 2016, 03:58 PM   #21
EAAF Staff
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Originally Posted by estcrh
Having been to the Philippines many times I feel that this was probably made in the same region (Mindanao) as the originals. Probably made by someone who has some knowledge of the local use of these armors, consider it to be a homage to something from the past.

Most Philippine citizens that I have met would have little to no knowledge of Philippine armor unless it was part of their personal culture. I do not think this was an attempt to fool anyone or the materials would have been different. They used whatever materials were available to them and brass was not readily available. I myself have had problems finding things in the Philippines that I could easily find from multiple sources were I live.
I agree with your assessment.

Also, as I have said before, it seems that most of the antique weaponry was brought over the US. I have sold several things back to the Philippines from my collection over the years.
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