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Old 6th September 2016, 05:41 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by ArmsAndAntiques
Certainly not in dispute that there were South Indian forms of this type but the decoration on the socket feels Sri Lankan. That being said the socket is more of a South Indian style.

The story of the interaction in arms and armor between Sri Lanka and South Indian has yet to be written though perhaps there are knowledgeable forum-ites who can guide that discussion.
I can not find many verifiable Sri Lankan example to compare with. Their spears are really under represented online.

As for what a "sang" is this is also a bit clouded. For the massive spears which are considered to be "sang" there are only a handful of examples to compare against as well.

Below is one from Gavin, the style if anything could possibly be Shi Lankan but even Gavin described it as "South Indian or Singhalese".

South Indian or Singhalese sang lance / spearhead, an exceptional example, stunning chiseled steel, all gilded silver intact, a very fine and rare find, late 16th-early 17th century.
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