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Old 3rd September 2016, 09:05 PM   #1
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Default A tiller/stick cannon for comments

I will call it the Montjuic type; but this is only to give it a name, as influenced by various threads where Matchlock introduced a few of these, as apparently several examples were deacessioned by that ex-military museum from Barcelona.
But in fact i have no actual evidence on the provenance of this cannon, for which i would be much obliged for any help towards it ID. Concerning its age, let us assume it is from circa 1450, as per its characteristics; but corrections will be considered.
Pity that one of its former owners decided to cut off its (apparently) original tiller.
Barrel length: 40 cm.
Total length (without haft stump): 53 cm.
Caliber: 10 mm.
Weight: not yet known.
Better pictures will be posted, when it arrives.

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Last edited by fernando; 10th September 2016 at 01:06 PM.
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