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Old 3rd September 2016, 11:30 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by bathala
Ok guys wanred to share my newest aquisition to you! A full steel/iron moro armor! First time I've ever seen or heard one ever existed! Too bad it has been clean loosing the patina but impressive non the less. Weighs at 26.7 lbs. Have any of you guys come upon or heard of similar armor existing? Anyway thank you in advance for you opinions and enjoy! Ps underneath the upper shoulder plate I saw the original darkish rust patina I olso fold traces of carbon powder? Old casting?
I think this was recently made, the Philippines is a very humid collection of Islands and just like Japan were they had to lacquer their armor to keep it from rusting away, there is a reason that Moro armor was made from horn and brass, to keep it from rusting away as well. I do not see any corrosion at all. I would not mind being proved wrong but even the seller does not describe it as being an antique. I have many images of these armors on my Pinterest site but none like this one.

Old Philippine Moro Heavy Chain Mail & Metal Plate Filipino Armor Philippines. vintage Philippine Moro Chain Mail Vest with Metal armour plates. As far as history I picked up this piece some years back at a local Southern California auction.
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