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Old 2nd September 2016, 01:45 AM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Default An interesting Cuban Sword made by Collins & Co.

I have a modest collection of these Spanish Colonial sword type, that are quite often made by Collins & Co.. I recently saw this one on an auction and since the form had an unusual handle I bid on it & won it.The pictures really didn't give any great detail.
When I received it, my first point of interest was the stud for the frog, that stated the Republic of Cuba.I next looked at the scabbard & on the dirty drag I noticed some writing; It was the name Col.G.G.Menocal(Aurelio Mario Gabriel Francisco Garcia Menocal), and thus I looked him up and was astonished to find that this very capable man who had been field promoted while fighting the Spanish for independence, would serve 2 terms as Cuba's first President, run again in 1924, attempt a revolution in 1931 a run again in 1936.

This sword was presented to E.St.John Greble, who received the surrender of Havanna from the Spanish, served on the General's Staff & command of the artillery at Naco, Douglas & El Paso during the Mexican Crisis.He was a Major General who trained the 36th Division for combat in France and he toured the Western Front from Sept. 16 through Dec.7, 1917.
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