Lovely example. how was the hilt when you bought it ? did you clean it ?
here's a couple pics of what it looked like before i cleaned it. the only thing different is the tarnish that covered the metals. i really thought the whole thing was silver, but much to my surprise when i found out the handle is swaasa..
nah, it's full on metallic silver; it's just highly polished. the tint is just a reflection from the red shirt i was wearing when i was taking the pics, lol
The fullers till end of the blade give it something like a Malay touch indeed, a singular feature.
funny you mentioned that. between that, and the carabao buntot, this piece seems to have a strong Malay influence...
no genie, besides what's in the kris's blade, although the time machine i've been messing with is finally working right

lol, i jest.