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Old 29th August 2016, 10:47 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Cthulhu
One thing I'm noticing in the hilt photos is that there don't seem to be a lot (aside from ones that are modern) where there are horns or ears that stick out very far. It's one thing for a hilt to be carved to look like a lion/tiger/bear/etc, but perhaps it's entirely another for it to have actual horns. My dagger appears to have horns made separately and welded into place.'s just occurred to me...perhaps they're epoxied into place. There's a lot of blackness and discoloration right around the base of the horns. Is there a non-destructive test for epoxy or other glues?
I assume that if you polish the area until it is completely free of oxidation, and examine it with a magnifying glass, you should be able to tell if it was welded or glued. But this might be seen as destructive already.

PS: However, this is a very interesting observation that would almost certainly indicate a much more recent production.

Last edited by mariusgmioc; 30th August 2016 at 07:57 AM.
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