Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
It is a pedang, not a parang. I'd probably call it a pedang lameng, others might call it a luwuk, or a bandol or something else. There are a number of different pedang styles, and the differences between one style and another are often very small, and in my experience, very subject to individual opinion.
Can you please clarify the use of
"parang" vs.
"pedang". Previously I had thought two terms to be fairly generic terms for
sword. Indonesians I have spoken to about the terms had laid them out in that way,
but none of them were collectors so essentially it was just a look at Indonesian vocabulary! I had read an argument once that pedangs were more likely stabbing swords, and parangs were more likely slashers. I think a lot of us would benefit from clarification of these terms, perhaps adding
"klewang" as well.
Thanks for you input!