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Old 28th August 2016, 08:03 AM   #6
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Actually, this is embossing work, pretty good quality. It is still done in a range of qualities in Kota Gede, just outside Jogja. They make all sorts of stuff, and export all over the world.

By "embossing", I mean that the design is applied from the face of the work that we see, not from the reverse face, as in repousse work. It is definitely not solder work.

It is a pedang, not a parang. I'd probably call it a pedang lameng, others might call it a luwuk, or a bandol or something else. There are a number of different pedang styles, and the differences between one style and another are often very small, and in my experience, very subject to individual opinion.
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