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Old 26th August 2016, 09:31 PM   #1
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Default A Lovely Indonesian Parang With An Amazing Pedang Lurus Style Hilt

This Indonesian sword/pedang I suspect is Javanese, and is uniquely mounted in fine silver fittings, with the hilt in particular showing amazing craftsmanship. For lack of a better way to phrase it, I would call the hilt type something more typically seen on a pedang lurus or pedang tusuk. Please note the relief work. Not only is the raised work more exaggerated than usual, but look at the tiny scales(think naga) and the "hair" at the top. The detail is just incredible to me.

The blade is a rather average pamor steel one. The scabbard is hardwood painted or lacquered black with silver mounts, each with engraved floral motifs along the sides.

Overall length: 24.5in.
Blade lenght: 18.5in.
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