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Old 23rd August 2016, 09:16 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Sajen
The Moro kris has two sharp edges so it seems nearby that both sides get used so why you surprised to find nicks on even this edges? The same you can say about the sundang.
I think it's not so much surprising as confirming that the moro kris was used in ways different than the arts that are openly pracriced today.

I thought that maybe, because:

1) the moro kris is unique (i.e.the only doubled-edged sword) in the Phillipines,
2) the basic design was based on the smaller indonesian keris and
3) the schools that teach openly don't teach false edge cuts

Maybe it was used like all other swords in the Phillipines, and used only with true edge cuts. However, the nicks on false edge disprove that possibility.

So more than anything, I really want to know what Moro fighting arts with the kris were like.

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