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Old 23rd August 2016, 05:04 PM   #11
Keris forum moderator
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I would agree with Alan than an aggressive warangan treatment on this keris would not be culturally inappropriate. While i understand the desire to see such a nice pattern "pop" with high contrast , that is far less acceptable outside of the Java/Bali/Madura nexus. I think that it is important for us to understand that the manner in which different keris bearing cultures maintain their blades is not the same and that Indonesia is indeed made up of numerous cultures.
The question of the Passio Sumange (Toli-Toli) has been an ongoing one that i am still not certain we have ever had clear and concise answers on. There do seem to be a fair amount of this style of dress available on the market these days and i suspect that Marius' example is probably more contemporary and may have been added to this dress later. Still, it seems to have a little bit of age and is nicely and tastefully done. I still have questions about the function of this feature traditionally. Was it reserved for a certain social level to convey status? Does it serve any practical function? Is it appropriate to simply add it to the dress of any culturally Bugis keris? We have discussed these questions in these threads, but i am not sure we actually came to any agreed upon conclusion.

Last edited by David; 23rd August 2016 at 09:16 PM. Reason: Grammatical correction
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