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Old 20th August 2016, 05:57 PM   #22
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Originally Posted by Kubur
Hi Rick,

I think that's more complicated than black or white.
Some Koran boxes are Koran boxes even the locals call them like that.
However some Koran boxes are very small and exactly the size of the palaskas. The ones who have this kind of bullet boxes will understand what I mean... For the use from a running horse or camel lol like in cowboy movies...
Hi Kubur !! How have you been ?

I've noticed the Koran holders all seem to have a similar squarish construction, and rings for attaching a throng or cord. Which could be carried around the neck, waistbelt, or most anything. This seems logical to me.

The Palaskas, wheather Ottoman, Greek, etc. all seem to have the construction/shape as per my pic above. With an intentional cast-in or soldered loop on the back side for a snug fit on a waist belt. And they all seem to be about the same size. Beyond tradition, I've often wondered why this specific shape was used. I'm still not sure. But, as mentioned above, I do not believe these were designed to carry loose lead balls. Instead, I believe they were used to carry pre-made paper cartridges for use with the pistols on horseback.

While I guess both containers could be used for cross purposes, it seems each was generally designed for their seperate purposes.

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