Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
I personally am somewhat in doubt of the use of the katar regularly in hunting tigers or big cats. While there were probably situational circumstances where a katar was used to dispatch a tiger, I am wondering whether that was with an already wounded or spent animal might have been the case, and suitably embellished over time.
modern wild boar hunters in the USA frequently use katar length knives to dispatch their quarry, with a thrust thru the heart, usually with an armoured dog holding either end of the piggy. (the smarter ones use a spear, the really smart ones buy their bacon in the supermarket, (piggly wiggly is a personal favouite)). the american term for a knife, 'pig-sticker', derives from this. tigers and bears were dispatched in nepal with khukuri by villagers, tho usually at a cost to their physical integrity. i seeem to recall one of those indian paintings with a tiger being accosted with a katar wielding mughal (found one, see below).
two paintings, tiger hunters with shamshir/talwars, and a found one of a guy carrying a katar while sensibly shooting the tiger with a bow. i also noted in a number of photos, horsemen with distinctly katar-like points on their tiger hunting lances. then i stumbled on the last photo of a katar cum spear socket.