Thank you Eric, as always you are phenomenal at locating these most pertinent references!!!
So it would seem that the figure laden blades were certainly less than rare, in fact being noted as 'common' , thus not unlikely to be used in the field rather than simply in celebratory events
That answers my question perfectly.
Mercenary, do we actually KNOW how old the katar is? It seems we have a good idea as far as established iconographically, but much of the research into much older periods remains dauntingly speculative. I think Jens has accomplished some of the most compelling data in the many years he has studied the katar, but he as always maintains his most responsible reservations in asserting such dates until more definitive data can corroborate.
It would seem that use and wear of these weapons might comprise different circumstances much as I asked as far as whether shikargah blades were actually used in the field, or simply as prestigious accoutrements. It would seem that they may well have been both.
While tulwars and shamshirs may well have been used in hunting game such as deer and other, I personally am somewhat in doubt of the use of the katar regularly in hunting tigers or big cats. While there were probably situational circumstances where a katar was used to dispatch a tiger, I am wondering whether that was with an already wounded or spent animal might have been the case, and suitably embellished over time.
Again, we are getting off the main course though