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Old 16th August 2016, 12:51 AM   #9
Ibrahiim al Balooshi
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Originally Posted by Kubur
Hi Ibrahiim,

Do you have some photos of this Algerian nimcha with cloisonne?
I'm curious to see that.

I have seen the very heavily clossoned Algerian Hilt and I will dig it out...Meanwhile something is wrong with the search function on Forum...or it could be my computer...I trailed all the way through about 14 pages of Library and somehow came up on BAT HILTS # 21 as~

The Nimcha. The Italian and/or Venetian sword appears as the origin of species and can be seen transmitted along the North African Mediterranean Coast in particular cloisonne versions in Algeria and other examples of a similar theme as far west as Morocco in the Mediterranean. It seems to have been a preferred weapon of the Barbary Coast ~ Pirates.
A few swords somehow arrived in England early in the 16thC though on long English blades etc etc

I place plate 32 by Buttin for interest.

The write up on the gilded sword below indicates Moroccan although I suggest it is Algerian as they were very fond of Cloisonne which you can see at the scabbard..and may also have been also on the hilt but degraded...I will search for a fully cloisonne hilt..

Meanwhile a few other boxes... are these Quran or bullet boxes...? The Islamic geometry indicates Quranic rather than for bullets. Excellent picture above by Ward and the logical conclusion that the long sliding lid is for a miniature Quran not for bullets...and illustrates a miniature Quran carried as a Talisman. (From an Arabic word EXPANDED UPON AS ~ Origin Mid 17th century: based on Arabic ṭilsam, apparently from an alteration of late Greek telesma 'completion, religious rite', from telein 'complete, perform a rite', from telos 'result, end'.).

I added a few Algerian Flyssa which although often adorned with red floor wax as a cheap way of lookalike Cloisonne ...added for interest.
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Last edited by Ibrahiim al Balooshi; 16th August 2016 at 04:11 AM.
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