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Old 15th August 2016, 04:52 PM   #4
Marcus den toom
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Hi Michael,

Thank you for your post, i hope you will be showing us your collection very soon.

Quit a good thesis, Michael Trömner would have approved of most of it i am sure.

My personal view on Böller and hand cannons is that the latter does not have a wide base (relative to the normal width of the barrel) and there is also no real powder pan.
After the 1400s the hand cannons where more and more mass produced, all of the "feuerwerk und Kriegsbuche" (firework and war books) from the 1390-1500 depict that multiple barrels on one stock was more common than just one single barrel. Quit alot of those have indeed been turned into Böller or even doorstoppers
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