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Old 15th August 2016, 11:46 AM   #2
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Default A second post by the same author ...

Fernando, i bow to yours and the late Michael T.s knowledge of subject . I was so sad when i saw he had passed, i would have loved to learn so much from the man and he seemed so giving of knowledge. I read with joy every post and learned so much, they validated my own assumptions on a piece, my first bought from this hoard to be a "Gonne Barrel " not a Boller. But i of course made my mistakes, but i studied and read and researched, even days, hours. But i do disagree with a assumption That Michael T. made as my studies in Art History and forging techniques lead me, that is the transition from round barrels to Hexagonal / Octagonal being from the period of Gothic cultural influence. I believe and think it is evident that it was a change in forging technique not style, from use of winding iron around a mandrel and heat welding together, beating a rounded form together, and the later technique of heat welding plates together. It's simply easier to hammer flat then rounded surfaces, requires less time in hammering and finishing, seats in its stock more firmly and bands more firmly. It really i think its evident and obvious. As they say in design" form follows function".

Yours with all humility ,
Michael Pechacek Sr.
Phoenix AZ
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