Thread: Wootz Katar
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Old 15th August 2016, 01:45 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Mercenary
If compared the number of hunts and battles in the history of India (both South and North), the answer will be obvious
The problem with this assertion is that you do not know the number of tiger hunts ( unless you can guess-timate them as above) and the number of military confrontations large and small, recorded and unrecorded, number of warriors involved, number of iconographic sources, their emphasis on the specific use of katars etc, etc, etc.

There are multiple iconographic sources of warriors armed with katars. Do you suggest they carried them into battle to protect themselves against tigers?

One can just as well posit that EVERY glorious occasion of a Rajah dispatching a tiger with katar was immediately immortalized in a miniature:-)))

Last edited by ariel; 15th August 2016 at 04:48 AM.
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