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Old 11th August 2016, 09:25 PM   #15
Jim McDougall
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Originally Posted by M ELEY
Jim, you live the life of an adventurer! Just don't be going out into those haunted mountains alone! I've seen some pretty scary stuff about the Superstition Mts. I'm just trying to keep an open mind about the piece. I want to post some better close-ups when I have time, showing the two part hilt and the quality of the blade. I'll also list the swords from Neumann's when I get the chance.

In the meantime, a similar cousin to our little beasty? (From Sailor in Saddle again! I'm going to owe Dmitri big!!)

Yup!!! Those spooky looking sentinels loom over us every day, and it can be blue sky everywhere but black clouds, thunder and lightning over them, like some strange old horror movie.
WOW.....good call from Dmitry!
We often forget about our northern neighbors up there.
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