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Old 11th August 2016, 08:24 AM   #11
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Hey Cap'n Mark
You know I cant resist this stuff you come up with!
Actually, as you know I get pretty involved with everything Mexican and Spanish colonial. The bookmobile is now dry docked at the very foot of the Superstition Mountains here in Arizona. These rugged defiles are really weird looking and it feels like the face of the sun here about 105-115 every day.

The Spanish Colonial and Apache history is everywhere here, I picked up a monstrous Mexican Bowie with a cane cactus hilt that makes the Crocodile Dundee thing look like a keychain pocket knife!

In most of the research on Mexican military related stuff, the methods and markings for units is pretty inconsistent, but these numbers and letters seem like them for some reason. There is something about these often irregular and unusual weapons which is fascinating, maybe its being in that climate here. Much of the data I found on regimentals was from a guy who has spent years excavating battle sites in Mexican areas and remote Texas etc.

But, the notes by Corrado are relevant as well, and who knows it could be European.

Have fun at the pirate gig!!!
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