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Old 11th August 2016, 05:12 AM   #10
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
Posts: 2,138

Hello all and thank you for posting comments!

Corrado26, thank you for that other possibility concerning abbreviated regiment marks. I hadn't thought about the X standing for 10th! A definite possibility...

Hello, Jim you ole' sea dog! Knew I could bring you out with this curiosity! I hadn't thought about a possible Mexican connection following a French style. I'll try to do some research in that area (and for that matter, on S. American imported swords, as many of those countries were receiving German and French weapons). Thanks for taking the time to look up that information. I must admit that I had hoped for French or Dutch, but that's how it goes when you take a chance on a 'one off' sword. More research might still produce clearer answers. The hilt on mine isn't a solid cast brass hilt, but in fact, two pieces. There is a German sword in Neumann's with the EXACT brass grip and same shaped quillon, so I still think mine is closer to early 19th. BTW, I'm driving to Beaufort, NC in the AM for the Pirate Invasion festival doing some sales/book signings! Gotta love it if it's pirate!

CC, good to hear from you again as well and I also miss the naval stuff, but Fernando has a fantastic boarding ax (pair!) on that other thread! Hope to see more nautical stuff come up.

Shakethetrees, what an awesome piece you have there! Was this militia involved in any conflicts or simply present to preserve community order? It does indeed resemble the French grenadiere pattern closely.
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