Thread: Shilluk club
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Old 2nd August 2016, 03:40 PM   #11
colin henshaw
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,429

Originally Posted by Tim Simmons
I think that is just a photographers white sheet back drop. I would be interested, has anybody got information on the relations of Southern Sudan kingdoms and the Mahdi rebellion. In a brief search on the internet It appears that the Shilluk resisted the Mahdist Islam. However we have seen Mahdi Islam influenced weapons from as far away as the Congo.
Rudolph Slatin (a captive of the Mahdists for several years), mentions this subject in his book "Fire and Sword in the Sudan", 1896. It seems the Mahdists at first left the Shilluks and Dinkas unmolested, however the territory of the Shilluks was later invaded and its people harshly subjugated. I attach some relevant extracts from the book.

I believe that even before the Mahdist regime, the Shilluk people had been the subject of slaving raids from the north.
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