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Old 27th July 2016, 10:35 PM   #4
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Hi Marcus, I sincerely hope this item is not presently in auction!!!
However, your point is well taken.
While obviously we are not to discuss such items here openly on these pages BEFORE the item closes, there is nothing to preclude you contacting specialized members privately, which is why we have the PM function.

At the same time, this entire forum is a huge storehouse of knowledge and archived data. If you are interested in a key item with which you are not entirely familiar....for example 'zaghnal' the top of the page , use the SEARCH feature and simply enter the term.

It is astounding how many discussions will come up which attend to these very topics. If your queries fall outside the scope, which would be unusual I would expect, contact us privately. I personally enjoy queries as they are opportunities to learn.

I am most grateful for members here who continue to seek out and acquire interesting arms, especially as they are shared here. We all learn together, thanks to the risks and diligence of our collector/members.

Just remember CAVEAT EMPTOR, and knowledge is the most powerful weapon.

The rules in place are there for reasons, most profoundly to protect you and the forum at large from troublesome and most threatening legal issues, which though not always in occurrence, can have most unfortunate consequences.

Therefore, we ask you and everyone here to join with us in protecting the security of our pages and membership by adhering to our rules, and when in doubt, just ask. We're always ready to help. OK?

Thanks Marcus !!! Well placed question and hope this will explain.

All the best
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