Originally Posted by Jens Nordlunde
Well Ibrahim, I can say that I agree with you.
The names you 'give' the different hilts are from Pant, but who told you that he was wright?
I think it needs far more research before we can be sure, from where the different hilt types came. To this comes, that hilts were very often sold (exported) to other parts of India - undecorated. So it is not unlikely that you can find a 'Delhi' hilt, decorated and bought (by museums/collectors) from Deccan or elsewhere a century later than the hilt was made, or maybe a only a decade later.
Well noted Jens, and this situation is indeed well established by examples of hilt forms which Pant tried to 'regionalize' into certain areas. However some examples of the same form may be found in other areas with quite different localized motif.
The fact that these primary hilt forms were retained and used for almost indeterminate lengths of time, over not only generations, but centuries, makes identification by that criteria alone in most cases unlikely.
Still, the occurrence of elements or features which vary from other examples of similar form which have a degree of consistancy may on occasion establish a compelling suggestion to more specific regions.
Also the potential cases of diplomatic gifts and often even trophy weapons in addition to these 'trade' instances further complicate classifications, but those may be more isolated.