Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
OK ya lot of suds sodden characters!!! 
and right Rick, in Knights of Heaven.....excellent !
So back to the pointed things......
Here is a great tulwar which Gav had,believed of northern regions in India, this determined by a number of paluoar characteristics such as striations in the pommel etc .Note the slotted knuckleguard, not only found on a good number of paluoars but on the Afghan military hilt in discussion.
With that recurved gooseneck, swan neck (often I have seen the term 'water bird') feature at the terminal at pommel, it seems Pant attributed tulwars with this feature to Banswara in Rajasthan. However that may of course be equally diffused to many other instances as specific regional classifications are usually speculative at best without exact provenance.
Salaams Jim, This is a great subject and in viewing the various swan neck types I noted a great variety on both dagger and sword hilts in both Indian and Afghan weapons not surprising from the geographical viewpoint and their close history. Some weapons have elaborate finials but some also seen below have none. Naturally a great number enter the realms of high class bling because of the Jehangir and his association with his own personal designs and those of his many Royal Mughul workshops...in what is almost a fashion statement in Jade and Neophrite etc. Note also the variation where the swan neck can evolve from teardrop or bud through swan neck to serpent like finial.
Well noted is the swan neck as seen at #64. above.
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.