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Old 27th July 2016, 05:10 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Sajen
all three pieces have been on my watch list and have thought about to go for them
I'm getting the impression we have similar collecting tastes. Great minds...

Originally Posted by Sajen
The dagger is a beauty but I was afraid by the bug damage on the one side of the handle, the seller picture of this side was dark and not sharp, sadly you as well don't want to show it really! [...] Would really like to see the bad side of the handle to know if I should be very jealous or only a little bit!
Strangely, of all the pictures I took that day, this is the only one that came out blurry! Maybe it's cursed.
I'll try to take a more clear picture of that when next it's convenient. In regards to the damage, I think it's not terrible (I'd still buy the item), but it's definitely not good.

Originally Posted by Sajen
The other bolo with chipped point could be Batangas but I am unsure, age around turn of the centuries, nice piece as well but the broken tip of the blade let me dither. When it was suddenly sold I was a little bit sad but think it come to good hands. I would think about to let reshape the tip when it would be mine.
I'd been watching it a while. I think what happened was that I'd just lost another item, and was frustrated, and decided "screw it!" and just bought it. I've done that more than once, and have yet to regret it.

I've thought about trying to get the tip reshaped, but really, the fact that someone sharpened the edge where the top broke off kind of amuses me so much that I'll probably leave it. It's the tiniest cutting edge ever.

Have fun,
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