24th July 2016, 09:07 PM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Buraimi Oman, on the border with the UAE
Posts: 4,408
Originally Posted by Miguel
Hello Ibrahiim,
Firstly I must thank you for the time you have spent researching this Tulwar hilt, it is amazing there are so many designs and variations, your input has been much appreciated not only by me I should not wonder. I think that you may have cracked it as the Dungarpuri hilt certainly looks to be the same design. My only reservation is the length and design of the stem emanating from the top of the disc and the flower pattern inside the disc, which I suppose, could vary with the various tribes  Thank you again for your input.
Thank you Miguel; Purely accidentally I stumbled on the hilt form Dungarpuri...
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.