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Old 23rd July 2016, 08:35 PM   #2
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
Posts: 1,629

Hi Kubur

That's an interesting pistol. Agree, definately Algerian. The style of open work on the lock, the barrel bands, and the grip area are all typical of Algerian pistols. The butt cap and grip of the stock styling were also popular with Italian pistols of the 18th Century. But, as we know, many of these early - even pre 1750 - styling techniques continued with Ottoman guns well into the 19th Century.
BARREL: Hmmmm. Hard to say. The raised, central rib with the two side ribs remind me more of French or Italian barrel styling. Does the central, raised rib (and maybe the other two) run the full length of the barrel ? another pic of the full length of the barrel - from the top - would be useful. Maybe without the barrel bands. The barrel does seem to have a nice, wide breech.
Whats curious is the two sets of letters/numbers on the barrel. Could be spurious marks. But simple letters/numbers would not make sense for that. Maybe they were added latter when the pistol was captured ?
The whole pistol would be worth further investigation also on the Ethno Forum.
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