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Old 20th July 2016, 11:24 PM   #17
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by estcrh
This is a confusing blade, it has a radical curve, the fullers look crudely done like they were gouged out, yet there are gold / brass inserts all along the back edge, fold lines run through it from one end to the other. I have been looking but have not seen another one quite like it, I was thinking Persian but that is just a guess.

By the way, yours is a very nice example, you are on a winning streak lately.
Eric, I would say this is a rather rough approximation of a Persian trade blade, the dots at the beginning of the grooves are seen on a number of Persian influenced blades in this manner. The cartouche and the talismanic bedough square also intended to recall such blades. As this is on an Afghan paluoar it is not surprising as frontier artisans in these regions were most creative.
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