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Old 20th July 2016, 09:50 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by mariusgmioc
Hello Ibrahiim and thank you for the explanations but I don't see any slots with the "tears of the wounded," only fullers.

I also think the appearance of wootz is given by very fine pattern welding since the streaks of patternig are much too long and run more or less paralel to eachother.
This is a confusing blade, it has a radical curve, the fullers look crudely done like they were gouged out, yet there are gold / brass inserts all along the back edge, fold lines run through it from one end to the other. I have been looking but have not seen another one quite like it, I was thinking Persian but that is just a guess.

By the way, yours is a very nice example, you are on a winning streak lately.
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Last edited by estcrh; 20th July 2016 at 10:02 PM.
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