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Old 20th July 2016, 06:12 PM   #4
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Given the Moroccan context of this weapon I would be inclined to suggest this blade is likely a French one of mid to latter 18th c and the style of the lettering seems much like blades often referred to as 'Cassignard'.
I do not have the book by Buigne at hand, but if I recall such inscriptions can be seen there. These were often accompanied by various floral and astral motif and associated with artisans in Nantes.
As with regions here and well into the Sahara, blades from the French occupiers often were 'recycled' into native weapons. These s'boula more commonly are found with French bayonet blades, so this one is somewhat remarkable.
I would think its present 'incarnation' may well date from 1860s into latter 19th optimistically, but recycling was virtually unlimited and could extend into 20th. Still, the blade seems as noted and interesting to see this use of it.
Typically such sabre blades ended up in either the sa'if known as 'nimcha' or often in the Manding sabres of Mali.
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