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Old 20th July 2016, 12:01 AM   #2
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Hello Loyah, welcome to the forum!

I hope that you help me identify this one old keris which I have no idea the type of its warangka which I believe is Sumatran. It has little round carvings to it maybe significant to certain area or just addition to major warangka styles.
Congrats, nice find - that's an interesting keris panjang!

The blade seems to have good age with expected wear to the greneng. Nice fullers! The blade exhibits some details that deviate from the typical Bangkinang style. A close-up of the base of the blade would be good - please make sure to take the pic exactly from above (vertical to the blade surface) to avoid distortions.

Looks like a really old scabbard, too. I can't remember having seen this variant before - details may help to place it though: I'd like to see close-ups from the other side, especially of the cross-piece as well as of the foot/tip. Close-ups of the hilt would be great, too.

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