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Old 19th July 2016, 07:36 PM   #9
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Thank you Ibrahiim, that link offers some impressive examples!

Regarding the 'spike' or 'stem' which is one of the predominant hilt elements here, it seems that while on the firangi, it is often noted that its purpose was to allow the swordsman to use this in a two handed blow.
Though these were typically substantial enough to plausibly render that intent , as usual with many of the characteristic features of certain Indian weapons the debates perpetually continue.

In this case, the perpendicular cant of this example suggests a more vestigial or symbolic purpose .

Miguel, thank you for showing the interior of the pommel disc, which reveals the distinctive surround that often carries subtle symbolic character, particularly in Rajput tulwar examples. These are often thought to potentially reflect connections to the various Rajput clan systems.
The interesting chevron style motif linear on the knucklebow also corresponds to certain features and styles to the north.
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