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Old 19th July 2016, 04:28 PM   #3
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The blade might be wootz but the delamination and the pattern in your photo seems to indicate more towards pattern welded.

I think the original scales were walrus ivory, but then when the tang broke, the scales broke off as well and only some parts were recovered, while the lost parts were crudely replaced with horn or whatever it is. But this is only my opinion.

Now if I were you, I would try to have it restored and have some new bone scales installed. But should check the material of the blade first, to make sure it is worth it.

You should be able to tell whether the blade is of wootz or it is pattern welded by examinng it with a magnifying glass or trying some local polishing and etching.



PS: I wouldn't try this myself and let a somebody skilled to do the restauration. Unfortunately, the only person I know doing this kind of work is based in the UK and you don't want to add shipping and taxation to what you may have to pay for the repairs.

Last edited by mariusgmioc; 19th July 2016 at 04:59 PM.
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