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Old 11th July 2016, 06:44 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
I wish I could Dana! It was something I came across online some time ago, and was so esoteric I just saved it. As mentioned in other posts here, it seems a bit 'over kill' (no pun intended) and not especially effective.
This thing was so rustic, and in a word 'spooky' it just caught my attention

As you noted on that Navy Colt.......I sure wouldn't have it in some trap, needs to be in a 'buscadero' on my hip!!

I think I found it Jim.

"One of the only known surviving examples of cemetery guns is on display at The Museum of Mourning Art at the Arlington Cemetery of Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania. Museum curators date the gun to 1710, making it one of the earliest models of cemetery guns. Part of its original rotating pedestal and three rings for tripwire attachment are visible in the photo."

And here is another example of the same style:
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