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Old 9th July 2016, 10:13 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by rickystl
Hi Estcrh.

What a nice find !!! Congratulations !!!! And I fully agree with Oliver's assessments above. I have found that Persian made -complete long guns - are even more difficult to locate than their Caucassion counterparts. Which is probably the reason for the difficulty in locating other Persian specimens.
Also, the gun should be a fairly simple restoration, should you decide to do so.
Again, really nice find.

Here is a pic of both a Caucasion and Persian long guns for comparison.
Rick, thanks for your input, I did not see this one until the very last minute so I did not have much time to do any research. Needless to say, searching for "Persian" rifle, musket, matchlock, flintlock, percussion etc did not bring up many images. The round butt made me wonder if it was Persian but then I thought that there was no way they could mis-discribe it so badly.

Both of your examples are awesome, and quite rare, thanks for showing them.

I would like to at least have the stock repaired, any suggestions? I do not know of anyone were I live (Louisiana) who works on antique guns.
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