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Old 6th July 2016, 02:42 PM   #5
colin henshaw
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,429

Originally Posted by estcrh
Colin, if it is riveted it is not African, it may have ended up there but it almost certainly made elsewere. Can you post some large photos of the links both front side and back (not to close)?

If you can take very large images you could post them on flicker or photobucket etc and post a link,this would help identify where your hauberk originated. Also do you have a weight and length? Is it constructed with alternating rows of solid and riveted links or is it all riveted links. It is hard to tell from the images you posted but it looks like every other row is made from solid links.

If we can identify what type of rivet that was used it would also help identify were it was made (wedge shaped rivets or round rivets).
Estcrh, thanks for your comments. Here are some more images of the hauberk.

To address your queries :-

Height : 94cm
Width : armpit to armpit : 68cm
Width : ends of sleeve to sleeve : 120cm

Measurements are approximate, with the hauberk laid flat.
Unfortunately, I don't have scales strong enough to weigh the piece, but its heavy !

Upon close examination it does indeed appear to be made up of rows of alternate solid (welded ?) and riveted links with round rivets. The links near the edges of the sleeves and the skirt are smaller and lighter. The rivets seem more noticeable on the inside of the hauberk.

In general the hauberk is of a high standard of workmanship.
Attached Images
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