Thread: A Forum Project
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Old 6th July 2016, 02:23 AM   #1
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Default A Forum Project

Just thought of this one.

I bought an almost precise replica of the Loshult Gun some years ago. The guy who made it did work for the US National Park Service (a really estimable organization) and made a pattern, cast the thing, finished it etc etc.

You with me? OK. Now I made him an offer for the pattern and I subsequently bought it.

Yup. I am in a position to cast replica Loshult Guns. I can be a real cannon founder!!!

I'll take some pictures of the pattern tomorrow if there is any interest in proceeding with making some. I have zero idea of how to proceed but I use machine shops and such down here for my gun business and I bet I can figure it out.

BTW ... I sent the pattern to Michael years ago. He was going to make some castings in Germany. The plan fell thru and he sent the thing back.

So, good idea? Stupid? Somewhere in the middle? I bet any military museum that you might know of would be interested in one. I'd probably donate one to West Point's museum.

Cost? No idea. I'll poke around tomorrow.

ETA: Be clear: I am NOT selling you anything. This would be a joint effort, costs shared etc etc.
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