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Old 3rd July 2016, 06:03 PM   #1
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Default Deadly Utility: Indo-Persian Scissors

I had seen pictures of Indo Persian scissors before, and often admired their elegance...and their quite lethal dual purpose...but I have not had a chance to purchase one til recently, and I like this example. The scissors are just over 8.5in. with its blades being 4.5in. Closed they have every bit the look of a dagger, note even the reinforcing rib to each outer blade. As utility cutters they are almost every bit as sharp as they ever were and will cut paper and common cloth with ease. RSWORD and I tried to figure out if they are wootz steel. You can't see it in my poor pics, but the inside and outside of the blades are two very different colors, so we wondered if perhaps the outside was a wootz veneer.

The decoration to the scissors at the rivet screw is chiseled and overlaid with silver, while the area of the finger holes is entirely silver(top 2.25in.)

Just a very neat and interesting conversation piece for the ethnographic blade collector!
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Last edited by CharlesS; 3rd July 2016 at 06:46 PM.
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