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Old 2nd July 2016, 11:42 PM   #29
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 138

Additional food for thought... Here is the only halberd (apart from Fernando's) that I have found so far with one of these star marks that is not of the same general type as the other examples above. Perhaps it is not really the same mark however - the star has seven points, the outline is more oval than pentagonal, and the placement of the mark on the back-spike is different than all the other examples. It is in the Castle Museum of Pszczyna, in Poland.

Coincidentally, a halberd of exactly the same form appeared in the most recent auction of Thomas Del Mar. This weapon bears a different mark, that resembles a pair of tiny halberd heads. This mark also appears on a pollaxe-like halberd in the Deutsches Historisches Museum, and on a glaive in Vienna from the bodyguard of Ferdinand I, engraved with the date 1551. I haven't been able to find a photo of this glaive... it has inventory number A869, and should be listed in volume 2 of Thomas and Gamber's Katalog der Leibrüstkammer. I only have the first volume...
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