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Old 1st July 2016, 08:02 PM   #137
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 1,250

There is a great deal of history around the USCG base in Yorktown ,Richmond, Petersburg, etc.; I have friends, who on any given day, metal detecting can come up with a bucket of Civil War bullets or earlier round balls from the Revolutionary War.If you were stationed in Yorktown, then you probably got one of the best grilled lobster tails and a wonderful Greek salad at Nick's Resturant;sadly it is no longer there.
I have not read the book " Joseph Banks A life by Patrick O'Brian," but it is now on my list and I will.
Funny you should mention seals; my Chiropractor told me just yesterday that he saw one on the beach and even though he admitted that he had been drinking and it was dark, he swears it to be so.It was probably just a homeless person.
In our beach area we can now offer you bites by sharks, death by umbrellas, a better chance to win the lottery than finding a parking space, flesh eating bacteria and an improbable but possible encounter with a seal.
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