no. it was however female scientists that overdosed them. or maybe they talked them to death. we did a 'scientific' patrol to the north polar seas on our icebreaker to study the mating habits of walrus, they even brought a mini sub & of course CCTV to record it all. three months cruising off the north coast of alaska, occasionally dipping the sub in the water. the scientists spent a lot of time smoking strange smelling tobacco in hand rolled cigarettes. (

) a few million taxpayer dollars later all they got was about 10 minutes of vague walrussy shapes moving thru the murky water. one of the more important scientists ate dinner with us occasionally in the wardroom (officer's mess). i once told him 'i know a marine smarter than you'. our helo pilot objected to that and was a bit angry - he outranked me as well as being bigger than me- he was an ex-marine pilot that has transferred to the USCG. took a bit of apologizing to him to get out of that one.