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Old 27th June 2016, 03:20 PM   #16
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 256
Default Michael RIP

I just popped by after a very long absence and I saw "Deceased" under Michael's name. I have not communicated with Michael for a couple of years so I had no idea. I am shocked.

I met Michael thru some mutual internet acquaintances in the early 2000's. We characterized ourselves (being collectors in one of the more arcane areas of collecting) as Whales lost in a sea that make odd noises to find each other. He'd sign himself "Your fellow whale".

He was a great help to me and actually went to Nuremberg on my behalf to bid at an auction at Hermann Historica. He got me a Dopplehacken that is the second oldest dated firearm in existence. He was a giving guy with his time and his expertise.

In the mid 2000's we collaborated on writing a book on early gunpowder weapons. We got to a point where we had a manuscript and were passing it around to various publishers. We had interest from a couple but there was another one out there and that put things on the back burner. Unfortunately life happened and we did not pursue it. It might be worth dusting it off.

I introduced him to this forum back in 2008 I guess. I thought that "he had to get out more" and that his knowledge needed an outlet. Based on the quantity and quality of his postings, I think I was correct.

I recall asking him what sort of gun he would like to own/shoot that he didn't have. His answer was a Peacemaker! Surprised me. I told him that if he could get over here I would happily arrange for him to shoot one for as long as he liked.

Anyway, I am saddened. Even though he and I fell out of touch, I considered him a friend and I will miss him.

Rest well Michael.
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