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Old 26th June 2016, 05:07 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by mariusgmioc
Maybe you should post this question also on the Keris Warung forum.
Actually i don't believe this would be a good thread for the Keris Forum as that forum is specific to the discussion of keris alone and that would only be a small part of the answer to your question.
From my understanding the Bugis where more likely than other Indonesian cultures to use their keris in battle, though i still think that other weapons such as spears and longer swords would be first weapons of choice in full-scale battles over the keris which would serve better for one-on-one close quarter fighting.
I did find that apparently the Bugis did sometimes employ chain mail and plate armor that appears to be similar to Moro armor. Of course, these days i am not convinced that even museums are safe sources for solid identification in this arena so maybe this has been misidentified as well.
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