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Old 25th June 2016, 09:49 PM   #13
Jim McDougall
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Originally Posted by Ian
Thank you Thor. Yes, the python looks a better match. My suggestion was based purely on the pattern and no specific knowledge about snakes of the region.
That was a good call Ian, I couldn't tell if it was lizard or snake. Impressive pattern (would be great boots!) and sure seemed a good match.
I am often amazed at how almost 'artificial' the reticulation on many reptile hides appears. Mother nature is phenomenal.
I know zippity doo dah on the edged weapons of these regions, but that blade does seem Kachin from what little I do know.

As far as snakeskin on the collar of that scabbard, that IS intriguing. Never have seen such decoration used in SE Asia, but that scabbard reminds me of Burmese dao, and the squared Chinese style scabbard chape.
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