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Old 23rd June 2016, 03:29 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Gavin Nugent
Neat presentation Rick, here are some fine pattern on some Keris. If I find the time to bring some swords down from the walls, I'll post some more photos.

First pair is a 25luk Royal Malay Keris, likely Terengganu, note the alternative faces, one face is Malela with no Pamor to note, the reverse is an exceptional and very complicated pamor that is almost Cosmic in appears and runs far deeper and more complicated than these chevrons at the base. Full viewing is private only, please do not ask for complete images, this is my personal choice.

The second is a Bali Keris, again with alternative pamor to each face, now in a private collection. Simple, but at the same time complicated and beautiful.

The third is another I keep here, a very nice shark tooth pamor, likely to be described as horse tooth if it was a Chinese sword. A collector recently had this blade type and pattern copied by a very competent smith who did a nice job in replicating it with a subtle twist and less defined edge patterns. I do love strong bold patterns such as this.

I have others with multiple pamor as time permits.

Thanks for sharing some examples Gavin. I particularly like the Bugis blade with the fine horse tooth Hamon in addition to the central pattern. Superb!
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