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Old 19th June 2016, 10:44 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by rickystl
Hi Estcrh.

You are a wealth of information !! Thanks for the info. and Links. Most interesting.
It does in fact appear that at least the rear sight was designed to accomodate a variety of different pieces to adjust the elevation or otherwise change the sight picture. This makes more sense now.
I did measure the heighth of both front and rear sights on my barrel. And they are the same. What's interesting is the front sight on mine appears made to accept similar sight adjustment pieces, versus a fixed blade. Possibly to allow sight adjustment on either or both sights. (?) Curious.
But thanks again for the info. and Links. Most helpful and interesting reading.
Rick, here is another image of a movable sight installed on a matchlock, not sure if it is original, and an image of what seems to be an original sight from a Japanese matchlock book.
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