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Old 19th June 2016, 07:02 PM   #8
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current full sized taiaha (1.5 metre +/-) commercially available are mostly made of evergreen wood & are fairly light. my feathered one falls in this category. i've found a couple carvers online that will make them from traditional hardwood, but they are much more expensive as good hardwoods are hard to come by and hardwood is harder to carve too.

i managed to acquire one from a collection estate sale, also around 1.5 metres, but it weighs more than twice what the contemporary one does. it also appears to be a lot harder. it has a flax fibre 'skirt' in lieu of feathers or dog hair bundles.

there are two more two handed weapons, the pouwhenua, similar to the taiaha with a similar bladed striking end, but a sharp round section point on the other end for stabbing, and the tewhatewha, again, point one end and a quarter circular axe-like protrusion, frequently with feathers or hair attached to improve visibility - it's carried by the war chiefs as a signalling device similar to the japanese war fan...copies of these from museum photos below my two.

if the martial arts interest you, there is a movie called "the deadlands: where the warrior spirit was born'' on dvd that might interest y'all. (it's available thru amazon). also available thru amazon is a fairly thin book reprint 'traditional maori weapons' by jeff Evans- i do have a copy of that. (cover below)

aother link to youtube video of a haka with tewhatewha, patu, etc. is here:

as a humorous aside, note the bruises to their chests as the video progresses and they slap themselves. i read recently of german army drill team men having to have breast reduction surgery as in their routine the rifle is slapped into their chests, causing enlargement over time.

p.s. - the tewhatehwa 'axe blade' was NOT used to strike, the side opposite was. the blade just added mass to the strike.
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Last edited by kronckew; 19th June 2016 at 08:03 PM.
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