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Old 19th June 2016, 04:41 PM   #20
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
Posts: 1,629

Hi Cerjak.

That is a nice looking carbine length Teppo. Congrats.
As far as the breech bolt removal, I was about to recommend Kroil oil. (best I've used). But I see you have already accomplised the removal. Great !!
What we normally associate with a breech plug is a shorter length plug with fine threads that tightens against the breech face of the barrel somewhat similar to a wheel lug of an automobile.
Rather, in the case of Teppo barrels, they use a bolt (better term in this case) with coarse threads, and longer length. The flat face of the bolt simply meets the breech flush. The bolt head is then held firm in the snug fitting hole in the stock. Actually, a clever design. While unusual, it does in fact work. I've never had an issue while firing mine.
Again. congrats. A nice piece.
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